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Target Language:
Going to with so & because

Reasons and Consequences

Teacher’s Instructions & Answers:
Included on the last page

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This is a 4 page speaking based lesson, with one page of homework, and teacher’s instructions.

The target language is referring to the future using going to with so & because.
It is a speaking based lesson plan.

It focuses on:

  • Using “going to” for describing future plans that are certain or planned to happen .
    (I am going to go to the movie tonight with my friends.)
  • Using the conjunction “so” to add a clause to the sentence that introduces the consequences of an action. (I am going to exercise so I will lose some weight.)
  • Using the conjunction “because” to add a clause to the sentence that introduces the reasons for an action. (I am going to exercise because I feel so heavy and lazy.)

It includes:

  • One page grammar breakdown (Presentation).
  • Two Activities to practice speaking the target language (Semi-restricted speaking practice).
  • Two Activities to produce the target language (Freer speaking practice).
  • One page to be assigned for homework (Writing statements and a paragraph).
  • One page of teacher’s instructions on how to execute the lesson in class.


  • Be sure to highlight the difference between using “will” or “be going to” for future time.
    I will go to a movie tonight. (my intention 70% sure to happen but not a guarantee)
    – versus –
    I am going to go to a movie tonight. (a pre-planned action 100% guaranteed to happen)
  • Explain that both “will” and “be going to” function as modals and must be followed by a verb in the base form (or present simple tense) but both still refer to future time.
  • Students often believe “so” and “because” function for the same reason. Explain that;
    “so” introduces the consequence of the action – what happens next
    “because” introduces the reason for the action – what happens before (usually)
  • Contractions can be practiced with the subject and the verb “to be”.

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Please leave any comments below that will be helpful for other teachers using this lesson. All your feedback is greatly appreciated!

For example:
What worked well and what didn’t?
How did you group students?
Did you add in any other exercises?
Did you find any errors in the lesson plan itself?

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