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Target Language:
Bad Habit Vocabulary

Why We Dislike Bad Habits

Teacher’s Instructions & Answers:
Included on the last pages.

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Download Lesson Plan - bad habit vocabulary - buttonRevised Copy with the terms “Farting/Burping” removed.

This is a 4 page lesson for bad habit vocabulary, with one page of homework, and teacher’s instructions with answers.

It focuses on:

  • Learning 25 common bad habit vocabulary words.
    (Snoring, cracking knuckles, spitting, littering, day dreaming, swearing, etc.)
  • Learning 6 adjectives to describe why I dislike a bad habit.
    (Rude, gross, annoying, irresponsible, unhealthy, and mean)
  • Expressing degrees of dissatisfaction with bad habit vocabulary.
    (Don’t like, hate, and can’t stand)
  • Practice with gerund, infinitive and base form verbs with bad habit vocabulary.
    (Stop chewing your nails… I like to chew my nails… When you chew your nails…)

It includes:

  • 2 activities of target vocabulary (Presenting bad habit vocabulary).
  • 2 Activities to practice speaking with bad habit vocabulary (semi-restricted practice).
  • 4 Activities to produce speaking with bad habit vocabulary (free production).
  • 3 Activities for homework (sentence/vocabulary/writing).
  • Two pages of teacher’s instructions on how to execute the bad habit vocabulary lesson plan complete with answers.


  • Using act it out activities is very fun to use with this lesson plan.
    (teacher acting out bad habits / students acting out bad habits)
  • There is a lot of target language so giving the students a night to preview the bad habit vocabulary beforehand is a good idea.
    (Preview homework could be numbering the bad habit vocabulary pictures)
  • Put emphasis on how the verb form is changing in the different sample sentence structures the lesson practices.
    (gerund/infinitive/base form)

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Download Lesson Plan - bad habit vocabulary - buttonRevised Copy with the terms “Farting/Burping” removed.

Please leave any comments below that will be helpful for other teachers using this lesson. All your feedback is greatly appreciated!

For example:
What worked well and what didn’t?
How did you group students?
Did you add in any other exercises?
Did you find any errors in the lesson plan itself?

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